simple organic ingredients you can trust.

"handmade treats that enhance your pup's health, not deteriorate it."

sustainable, refillable, reusable.

we are making a conscious effort to ensure that all of our packaging supplies are environmentally friendly, but also repurposeful!

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celebrate your pup's birthday

with our handmade Neapolitan ice cream inspired flavored treats.

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here at the trusty doodle...

dogs, puppies & all things canine are at the center of our universe. We know that quality food makes a big difference in a dog's overall health and well being.  We pride ourselves in using trusted and pure ingredients in all of our handmade treats, looking to nature for inspiration. We believe in transparency & always knowing what goes inside of our pups bodies.  we stand by our recipes and pride ourselves in making treats using only quality, natural, & pronounceable ingredients.

Our Ingredients